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Transition Support

Thinking of joining us?

Choosing the right school for your child is a very important decision and one that we would like to help you get right. If your child does get a place at our school, they will spend 7 years here - this is the longest amount of time they will spend at any single educational setting! Some of the best selling points about the school are below:

  • We are a small school - currently with only 92 children. This means that we pride ourselves on knowing our pupils exceptionally well.
  • We have small class sizes - ranging from 20 to 26 this year. Again, this enables us to know the children really well and support them in their learning.
  • We have wonderful children who behave exceptionally well. When parents and carers walk around the school, they will see children who are engaged in their learning and supporting each other. Our pupils are very thoughtful and kind to one another and this is part of our school ethos.
  • We have dedicated and stable staffing - we are proud of the work our staff do. It is such a lovely place to work that staff very rarely leave!
  • Our semi-rural location is an ideal place for your children to learn and thrive. We have some lovely outdoor spaces - including a large school field, forest schools area and fantastic outdoor learning environment for Class 1.
  • Our before and after school clubs mean that we can look after your child from 7:45am - 5:00pm every day of the week. This service is flexible so it meets the needs of our working parents.

There is no replacement for showing you around school during a fully-functioning day, but if you are unable to attend we hope the short video below (originally made for our September 2020 starters) will give you an idea about what life is like when children start at Scarcliffe Primary School.

If you are considering applying for a place at Scarcliffe I would encourage you to contact school to make an appointment to look around. Please email or call 01246 823324 to make arrangements.

We have made a list of some frequently asked questions below. Hopefully you will find answers to lots of your questions on our website but if you would like any more information please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Hannah Brocklesby and Jack Horton 

School Prospectus

Below is our school prospectus which was updated for our latest cohort of children. It will be updated and sent to parents / carers who get a place for next year.

Download Prospectus

Supporting Your Child's Transition

We will work with our newest families in the Summer Term to support the transition to full-time schooling at Scarcliffe.

Below is a useful poster to give parents and carers some things to consider about their child's transition to school.

Download Document (PDF)

A Typical Dinner Menu

We have our own school kitchen on site. Children from Reception to Year 2 receive a free school meal everyday. Older children can choose to buy one if they wish. We can cater for a range of specific dietary requirements. Our current menu is below.

Uniform Order Form

Orders for our uniform are fulfilled by a local company called Sprint Sports. They can provide parents and carers with badged uniform. Please click here to visit their online store.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions we often get when showing parents and carers around the school.

We don't live in the catchment area - are we likely to get a place?

Scarcliffe is a small village and currently around a third of our pupils live in the catchment area. Parents travel from far and wide to bring their children to Scarcliffe, so please don't let the catchment area put you off applying. Usually, the parents that put us down as their first choice tend to get an offer of a place.

How do I apply for a place?

All applications must be submitted to Derbyshire County Council. Details of our admissions procedures can be found on the website by following this link.

What are the timings of the school day?

With the current school guidance, starting and finishing times have been staggered. Under normal circumstances, our school day starts at 8:45am and finishes at 3:15pm.

My child doesn't know anyone else who is applying for a place at Scarcliffe. Will they be okay?

This is a common question. Rest assured that we tend to get children from a wide range of nursery settings. Our staff work hard to make sure children settle in quickly. Within a few days at school, our children play and learn alongside their new classmates very happily.

What parking facilities are there around the school?

Scarcliffe is a small village and there is no getting away from the fact that dropping off and collection times can be a little difficult. If you are prepared to park a little distance from school - there is always a parking space to be found though!

What will my child need to bring to school?

We provide children with almost everything they could possibly need. We only ask that they bring a water bottle, PE kit, coat and their book bag to school.

Can we take holidays during term time?

We follow the government guidelines on authorising holidays during term time. This means that they can only be allowed in exceptional circumstances. Families who wish to make a request do so in writing and the head teacher considers the circumstances. Holidays must be booked during school holidays wherever possible.

What can I do to support my child at home?

We strongly believe that staff and parents/carers need to work in partnership to achieve the best possible outcomes for children. To help your child be prepared for life at any school, you can:

  • make sure they are toilet trained.
  • spend lots of time reading to them and immersing them in language.
  • help them to be curious about the world - experiencing lots of real world adventures.
  • play games with them - making sure they don't win every time.
  • practise sharing their toys with other children.
  • encourage them to speak in sentences and use their wonderful manners.
  • Practise counting activities - snakes and ladders is an example of a good game to play.
  • Let them experiment with writing - perhaps they could learn to write their name.

Once children start at school, we are on hand to offer more support in this area.