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Welcome to our school website. 

Here at Scarcliffe Primary we aim to make learning full of challenge, curiosity and fun.  We have a strong commitment to community with a dedicated team of staff and governors who work hard to ensure our pupils are provided with the best education.  Please click here to read our school vision and core values.

The website aims to give you some insight into the school and we hope you find the information you are looking for. Should you need more information or would like to arrange a visit please contact us on 01246 823324.

“Relationships are trusting, positive and respectful. Pupils are happy-natured and are very considerate of each other and of adults. Staff and pupils describe Scarcliffe Primary School as ‘one big family’.” OFSTED 2019

School Opening Times

We have taken the decision to stagger start and finish times for each class.  This reduces the congestion in the village and makes for a claimer end to the day.  

If children have siblings in school, they should arrive and leave together at the earliest start time and latest finish time so nobody misses out on important learning.  We will supervise children as soon as they arrive at school. 

The timings for each class are below:

  • Class 1: Doors open at 8:40am, collect at 3:10pm.
  • Class 2: Doors open at 8:45am, collect at 3:15pm.
  • Class 3: Doors open at 8:50am, collect at 3:20pm.
  • Class 4: Doors open at 8:55am, collect at 3:30pm.

Break times

  • Morning Break 10.10 a.m. until 10.25 a.m.
  • Dinner Break 12.00 p.m. until 1.00 p.m.
  • Afternoon Break (KS1) 2.15 p.m. until 2.30 p.m (approximately).